Thursday, September 16, 2010

Great Central Road Day 06

Day 06 much like day 05 !!

I looked up geocaching and there were two caches in the local area. There was also one at Lassiters Cave but I had not thought to look at that section of the trip before I left. Tough.
So I decided local hiking around Yalara would be good for me. Found out how many muscles I had stretched around the Olgas two days ago!!

The weather has been 100% overcast but did not actually rain although more is promised for tomorrow. With any luck it will be drying off tomorrow if it doesn't rain tonight.

I finally relented and bought some new maps for the Northern Territory.
The road conditions on the NT Government website have been saying basically "anything not bitumen is closed", and I have been looking at 20+ year old maps. DUH!!
The road out to Kings Canyon is now all bitumen! The reason it has been closed is that there are a couple of creeks which cross some flood ways. There are a couple of people who just got out before the closing who reckon the truck would have been fine even when the road was closed. With the drying weather it should be "no trouble". So tomorrow morning I will head that way. It's a long way to come back if the loop road doesn't open as well but then it's a longer way to come back some other time if I don't go now.

So that's it for "another sunny day in paradise" . . .
(Sorry no photos as it was just too dull).

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