Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It Feels Like a Conspiracy . . .

The tubing I ordered arrived but it was not galvanised only painted so that stayed on the truck!

Now I'm told I won't get the proper material until Friday at best and maybe Monday!!

Then some old customers tempted me with some relatively simple work to fill in and now all of a sudden I have two weeks work to do !!!

I must be going senile or something.

Oh well it stops the dollars bleeding away too fast as income from interest is through the proverbial floor etc..

Looks like it's back to weekends again for a couple of weeks.

I have to look up that "retired" word in the dictionary again . . .

1 comment:

OverlandSi said...


Thanks for your comment. I still feel like it was the right decision so the nerves are backing off.

Also if you do ever travel in Europe please let me know. I have traveled around in a campervan often and know of a lot of little tricks.

I mostly travel in I'm afraid I'm not much use for France though.

Also, can't wait to see the wagon in full working order. One of my dreams has always been to build or at least own my own camper'. Unfortunately money is the reason I don't.

Still - good luck, I'll be checkin' back!