While they made positive "noises" about the truck and house in general they said something about "the wiring not being quite what they expected given the specification of the rest of the vehicle" . . .
The result was a face infusion of a rather nasty shade of red !!
I could have lived with it if it had never been pointed out !!
So after some friendly discussion I departed with a somewhat lighter wallet and a heavier truck.
This little lot added up to about $700 !!

You may have noticed in a lot of the earlier photos that there were a number of wires in various places throughout the chassis. While NOT unsafe they were NOT pretty and according to the people I am paying as experts BARELY adequate for the job. In my mind that means ADEQUATE but with NO SAFETY MARGIN.
So I guess if I am paying these people I should listen to them - so a whole day stripping out all the old wiring and then starting over with the new wire.
I think I mentioned somewhere earlier that I am selling my existing factory building and buying two others about 100 meteres further up the street from a fellow I know quite well and with whom I am quite friendly.
He manufactures electrical conduit and ducting so a quick trip up the street was in order.
A 50mm x 25mm divided duct was run down the length of the main chasis rail.
The heavy red and black cables coming up into the lower division of the duct are for the 150amp x 24vDC current, from the beefed up truck alternator, while driving.

On the other side an additional 50m x 25mm divided duct was attached and the top run used for the two rear view video camera coaxial cables and the bottom two runs for several 240vAC cables.

This then became an additional 25mm square duct on top, another crossing to the other side of the chassis and another crossing to the outboard edge where it comes up the back of the kitchen cabinets.
The smaller black cables are 5mm (lights) and 6mm (motors, fridges) twin-flex double sheathed cable.

Which all eventually leads back to the main electrical equipment cabinet where the controller/inverter/charger and switchboards will be located.

So now it's like it should have been in the first place and only about 5 days and $700 to achieve it !!
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