My friend "Sich" who volunteered to help me with the interior expressed "mild surprise" with the number of things left undone in this regard . . .
We made a trial panel fit to help decide the method of construction for interior walls and cabinets etc for which he is the expert and I now have a much better understanding of how we can go about it.
It appears that I did not provide sufficiently for screwing the interior panels in place so segments of timber had to be glued in position between the uprights.

It appears that plywood is no longer the same material I remember from my youth where it epitomised strength and structure. Alas this is no longer the case and a sheet of 12mm ply can be lifted easily in one hand as long as you are careful not to let it bend too far and break!!
The trial sheet in position cut around the "kitchen" window. It will later be clad in 3mm melamine and trimmed in beech.

This was the point at which it became obvious that the electrical and plumbing needed to be fitted FIRST !!
This also meant the interior layout needed to be "set in stone" . . .
So now there are wires everywhere :

These will all be run internally to the "central switch boards" one for 12Vdc and one for 240Vac.

Whoops . . .
I forgot the gas needs to be run over to the kitchen as well . . .
Time to call the plumber I think . . . it all needs to be certified so we might as well get it done !!!
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