One thing I really don't like doing is spending too much
time on an idea just to have it NOT work!
So best to set up another customer's simple job and let the ideas sort of roll around in the background.
These discs need drilling in a particular pattern.
They are laser cut from 10mm thick mild steel and then pressed in the centre.
There is a fixture I made previously (we have done this job a number of times) which goes on the CNC milling machine and the discs are clamped to it with a simple mechanism.
The drilling operation takes 6 minutes and the changeover takes about two minutes.
If I average 6 of these per hour it earns me about $80 per hour.
The customer provides the discs, all I have to do is drill them.

So I spend approximately 15 minutes per hour to earn $80 per hour.
The rest of the time I can think, work or play tiddlywinks.
I might as well have another look at the bed lifting mechanism.
One of the ropes is twisted around another, may as well straighten that out.
And another one goes in front of the rollers, should be behind,
may as well put that in the right place.
Oh. That "D-shackle" is scraping on the inside of the roller guide.
May as well clean that up and the other three as well, just in case.
The adjustment seems just a little tight on the rollers.
Wonder what happens if I slacken that off a bit.
The frame is not exactly "square" between the guides.
Better adjust each of the rollers to square that up properly.
Now if I just give a gentle pull on all of the ropes at the same time . . .
Whoo Haaa.
It all goes up in the air !!!
I might just tie it all off and leave it there for an hour while I have lunch.
(Well I was only using about 50% of the time, I was "WORKING" the rest).
So after lunch.
I was partially right.
The different lengths of rope have all stretched proportionately and the bed frame now has a distinct lean to one corner.
So maybe I can use this idea after all.
All I really need to do is find some non-stretching rope.

You know. The stuff made from unobtainium.
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