It was one of those "chasing stuff" kinds of weekends.
Having satisfied myself that the bed lifting mechanism was now actually working quite well I needed an "actuating" mechanism.
As the power requirements were quite low I guess I could just put in a small manual winder of some sort.
I have a "brake-winch" already which I intend to use for lifting the motorbike (and maybe the spare tyres) up tracks on the back of the accommodation unit (I think I mentioned this previously).

I will probably use another one to lift the generator out as well. This is because the generator enclosure will make it very difficult to refuel and/or do any maintenance while the generator is inside as it is only just big enough and it is 1500mm off the ground.
Brake winches look like boat winches (and can be used as boat winches if they are big enough) but are different in that they can be wound both in and out under load. Boat winches will wind one way and freewheel the other which is not good if you are trying to lower something gently to the ground. Actually they are not supposed to be used for dead lifts anyway whereas a brake winch can be.
They are not even very expensive at about $180 for a 200kg 3:1 ratio version.
But with the bed system it was difficult to find the right spot to put it without tripping over the handle or having to use 5 pulleys on each corner to get the ropes in the right spot.
Maybe I could use a truck windscreen wiper motor to drive it?????
. It would be 24vDC which is what the house battery system is going to be so no conversion required.
. It is a DC motor which is easily switchable for direction.
. They are quite powerful (try holding your arm out the window at 110kph!! On second thought don't!!)
. They are small enough to mount almost anywhere.
. Driven electrically I can put the switches anywhere I like.
Better ring the truck wrecker and see what a second hand one will cost.
"WHAT??? The cheapest one is $200 and they go up to $600!! No Thank You!!"
I know I've seen trucks laying around in yards just rotting - I guess I'll just have to keep an eye until I find one where I can buy a windscreen wiper motor CHEAP!
In the mean time finish welding in the tracks for the bed frame and start to put in a few of the roof supports.

Another of those spot the differences photos !!
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