Thursday I took my car back to the people who fitted the gas system some time ago.
I had been avoiding them.
They had my money ($4000) and my car still didn't work properly.
"Sorry Mate. We forgot all about it."
"Look. Just fix it!"
"We'll come and get it at 8:00 am tomorrow and have it back at 4:00 pm"
Of course come 9:30 I was a little pissed-off when they hadn't turned up so I drove it around there again.
Went back to work and forgot it until it was returned at 5:30 . . . .
"Goes great now mate. Lots of power. You'll really notice the difference."
"Actually you may remember I said I wanted it tuned for economy not power?"
"Oh. Sure Mate. Just don't put your foot down."
"Hmmmm . . ."
So of course going out Friday night all the control lights kept flashing on and off and the system kept cutting in and out making the car surge all the time.
And it wouldn't turn off. The switch didn't work.
Just to make sure I wasn't going to damage it I went round Saturday morning just to see if someone was there who could at least turn it off until Monday and then I could get it sorted out AGAIN.
Apparently the guy who was there was really really really annoyed with people interrupting his Saturday hot rodding.
I have to admit he did look at the problem.
He said the wiring was not done correctly.
And was really angry about that too.
So much so that in a fit of pique he threw his $500 multi-meter about 50 metres down the driveway when it wouldn't stay put on the bonnet of my car.
I don't know why he thought anyone would be impressed by other than his stupidity.
I must admit however that by about 1:00 it seemed to be fixed and he seemed to be calmed down a bit.
But by then I had a headache and didn't feel like working all that much so I read a book.
That's always good therapy.
Sunday I was determined to make a better day.
Beautiful day. Cool and crisp morning.
Took my motorbike for a ride to a nice little cafe for breakfast.
Great way to start the day.
Now some work on the camper.
Cut, shape, weld all the brackets for the bed lift.
Like this one.

Then the phone rang and somebody suggested there was a real life out there where people go out to the movies etc. and would I like to go?
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