Bolt the frames in place.

Bolt the guards in and attach the mudflaps (I really have to go and get my tripod out. Flash doesn't show any detail when everything is black,

and handheld without flash gives this !!)

But at the moment I don't care 'cause - they are DONE!
(Damn flash again!!)

OOps. Nearly forgot! Time to go get the finished oil coolers (those that were finished) and get them ready for shipping.

Now on to the exhaust.
There is a local exhaust shop about 400 metres away. I don't know what it is (actually I'm pretty sure it's a personality thing) but I just don't seem to be able to get on with this guy. For all I know he may be really good but he just isn't very helpful for me.
Into the yellow pages - there is another one only about 1 km away. That's close enough to give it a try and it is only 100m from the powder coater so I can call on the way.
I needed to get the pipe swaged, some pipe clamps and some flexible mounts. I approached the swaging part fairly carefully as I was supplying the pipe and some people prefer to supply all their own materials (I can understand that as then at least you know what it is).
Needn't have worried. These guys couldn't have been more helpful.

All the parts and work done I wanted while I watched and :
"That'll be 20 bucks mate."
Give them your business.
All the normal interest disclaimers apply :)

So under the truck again. Muffler on the pipe from the manifold :

Pipe in the back end :

Fit the expanded end over the old pipe :

and put all the pipe clamps in place.
This changed what I thought would be a real saga into a couple of hours work. Ripper!!
The pipe runs only about 100mm from the offside fuel tank and maybe the same from the fuel transfer line so maybe a heat shield would be a good idea right about here :

Not bad. A few bolts (Oh how nice - there are convenient holes in the fuel tank brackets!) and some paint and "Bob's your Auntie!"
That leaves the flexible mounts and then the exhaust will be done. Good one.
Damn!! I forgot the welder is back tomorrow so I have to do that real work stuff again . . .
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