However . . . a couple of the items were taking about 6-7 Min's each so it was still going to take up too much of the day that should be used on the truck. While in the current economic circumstances just doing enough to pay the overheads is nice but I am going to have to restrict the type of job by refusing the little batches. C'est la vie.
That'll be the phone Reg.
"Hi. Zincplaters. You're job is done."
"Wow. Thanks. You said Wednesday but I'm not complaining."
So there goes another chunk of the day. Pick up the oil coolers and take them to the powder coater.
Back to work . . . . until . . . . Lunch time.
I have arranged to go with my friend (who is building the bus that I mentioned once before) to look at some work being done on some other buses. This counts as truck work as you never know what you can learn that will help on your own :)
This is what we see :

I don't think anybody is impressed !!
The interior is just being trial fitted so the owner can get a proper idea of how the layout works. Better to change anything that needs it NOW rather than later.

When we got back I took this picture of my friend's bus. I think he should be rather proud of his work!

So back to my place and . . . Damn!! I forgot about the washing machine. There goes another hour while I organise to get that fixed tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to work late to finish what I planned.
So in the few seconds the machines are working I can manage to cut the supports to go into my truck for the new air tanks. They'll need scoops out of the top surface to hold the tanks but I can't do that 'till I finish using the mill for the customer's job.

So I'll just take some rivets out of the chassis (sound familiar?) so I can bolt these in when ready.

So I can put the supports about here:

Which will allow the tank to go about here:

And although it doesn't look like it there is room for another two as well.

Well I guess the day isn't a complete write off!
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