"The longest way round is the shortest way home."
I always misquote it as;
"The longest way round is the shortest way there."
In fact I spent a couple of hours the other day preaching it to a friend of mine who is always in a hurry and ends up doing everything twice.
I like the other one too;
"I haven't got time to take the shortcut". (It ends up taking longer.)
How about "Make sure your brain is engaged before putting body in motion"?
So. Having satisfied myself that the design for the lifting legs was going to work I realised that I had to make multiples (of 4) of everything. Four of those pieces, 16 of the other, 8 of another etc...
Being a rank, manky, stinking hot day I just kept loading pieces into the mill, do some welding | grinding | cutting etc. while waiting. Cutting slots and drilling holes and welding bits together.

Legs drilled.

"Arms" assembled and welded.

Lower brackets, left and right handed cutouts so the air fittings would fit nicely.

In fact things were going so well I didn't need to go draw it all out properly did I?
See the little brass bar temporarily placed in the lower hole because I didn't have the proper pins cut yet. Meant the holes didn't line up. That's OK. It's just 5mm out so add 5mm to the distance from lower arm to upper arm when you measure from the job for where to cut the slot. Right? Don't need to go draw it all, just a waste of time. Right?

You guessed it. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
Well at least I only stuffed one up before I found it. Would have been quicker to draw it all properly first.
You know.
Go the longer way round.
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