The bottom of the blue beam is the bottom of the accommodation unit. The floor is 300mm above that. It's just that the physical reality seems a bit different to the theoretical visualization. It's all very well putting it down on "paper" but it's a bit different when you see it in the "flesh".

And this angle is even worse! Perhaps it will look better in the morning.

I am still agonising about the jacking legs and how to integrate them into the framework without compromising too much space and or payload. All the things I have seen commercially are just huge - but then they have to lift 15000kg etc. Commercial Square Hollow Section (SHS) ie thick wall square pipe is only available in a limited number of sizes (which is only to be expected) but there are very few which will fit conveniently inside each other ( and then you have to allow for the weld seam inside as well). I guess if you are going to manufacture 100,000 or more of something you can have whatever you want made to your specific size (or so I am told - I have never actually done it but I know people who have :) - I believe the minimum order is about 10 tonnes). In the mean time the rear mount attachment has been completed and is about to get primed and painted. Now I have to work out the other part - the exact attachment to the "house" (bearing in mind it has to come off "occaisionally") and still be able to leave a flat base.

Then there are questions of how all the locker doors and the underside of the house etc. will seal out the rubbish that will be thrown up by the wheels. . . details .. details .. details !!
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