For me on the other hand : remember the dentistry of the other day? Well yesterday about morning tea time (how very English!) I suddenly realised my temporary crown had vanished. Only one place it could be - only two options to recovery - neither very tasteful! Back to the dentist. Fortunately this time - immediate service - 30 mins. and it's replaced - no charge! He really is a very nice guy - it's just that I had very bad experiences when I was younger and they are hard to let go.
Back to the truck: air bag brackets finished, primed painted and installed.

Now I have to configure the pumping system. I have a 12V tyre pump in my 4WD Prado which I have never used. I think it's one of "Asian" variety but is reported to pump to 700kPa (~100PSI) albeit very slowly however there is a very small amount of air in this system so it will probably do nicely. 700kPA gives me approx. 1000kg/2200lb per bag using 165cc/10cu In. at the design height which sounds just about right. Now I want to be able to monitor this from the cab so I need to mount the pressure gauge, and while I'm at it, the switching for the pump as it's 12V and will need to go through a 15amp fuse from the voltage reducer which as you may remember is under the passenger seat. And of course it's impossible to match any of the threads in the pump system anywhere so now what to do??? I know - let's dismantle the pump and see what can be done!! (You can hear Murphy knocking on the door now can't you?)
Surprise! Surprise! It's a piece of crap!

Never mind it's extremely simple in design - I'm going to test my luck first and cut off the weird square spigot on the side of the head (which seems to be made of what we used to call "pot metal" or "muck metal" (I'll give you one guess why)) and see if I can drill and tap it with a usable thread. Failing which I will just machine a new head from some decent aluminium and put in whatever thread I feel like. Once I have this bit done I use these fittings which are just "so good"!

So off to the local "Couplers" store. These people just seem to have everything at ridiculous prices. See that "rear mount" gauge in the photo with the compressor - $18 !! While I'm there I might as well pick up the last couple of fittings for the diff. breathers . . . and on the way there I will call past Major Motors (the local Isuzu dealer) and ask about a new better fuel filter system he said I could replace my clunky one with and then I can get whatever adapters I need from Couplers while I'm there. I try to minimize my running around whenever I can so . . . off I go.
"No sorry we don't have one in stock in this branch - can have it here by 3pm if you'd like. In the mean time come out into the workshop and I will show you one on a truck out there."
"Sounds good to me."
"This is the one."
"Very neat and compact - I'd like one like that. And how much is that big square fuel tank alongside to replace my small round one too (tongue in cheek)."
"They're about $1200 with all the brackets and fittings. Actually we have a couple of square tanks outside which we took off a truck we're dismantling for somebody - he may be interested in selling them."
"Lets go have a look." . . . . " They are perfect! 200l each! How much does he want for them?" (Crossing fingers and toes !!)
"Hang on a second I'll ring him and ask him." . . . . "He wants $150 each including all the fittings."
"YES!! Let's load them up now!!"
"OK let's move them over here. Oh look there's one of those filters I was talking about. You may as well just chuck that in the trailer too - it's no good to us now."
"Whoohoo! That's great. Now all I need for the truck is a roo-bar."
"Oh. You mean like that FSS Smart Bar over there with some scratches on it?"
"Oh - Yes! They are fantastic. Made out of heavy duty memory 'plastic' - very light - bend a bit to absorb impact and then spring back into place. I priced one for my Prado once - about $2000. I dread to think what they'd be for a truck!"
"Well it's pretty second hand now it's scratched - we can't sell it new. Give us a couple of cartons and its yours!"
. . . . .
Thank goodness for drive in bottle shops - I'm not to sure they're happy about the skid marks in the driveway though.
So - the big square fuel tanks I wanted -

The "bull-bar" I didn't think I would buy as they are very expensive - (upside down in the trailer) -

A better simpler fuel filter like this -

To replace the clunky old system like this -

Which then gives me space to put in the extra fuel tank for 400l instead of 140l - and all for $300 plus a couple of cold cartons.
Does it get any better than that ????
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