Friday, November 07, 2008

Sorry, The computer malfunctioned . . .

I used to work in the computer industry ( 2nd of my three working lives ) and I know they do malfunction but I hate having it used as an excuse for things going wrong. Apparently the supplier cannot deliver the steel tubing I have ordered for the framework of the cabin so I can't start work on it in what is left of this week. One of my past customers just doesn't want to believe I have stopped work and keeps faxing me orders for things when he has trouble sourcing them else where. He is a replacement OEM supplier of parts in the agricultural industry. As I was going to have nothing to do on the "expedition adventure" vehicle for a couple of days (without launching off into a whole new area) I decided I may as well do his work and take his money (in the nicest possible way of course!).

Job number one was 80 of these recessed plates: first laser cut the shape out of 8mm plate, then toss them in the 300 tonne press in some special dies I made for him some time ago and then drill them in the CNC mill. End result for this quantity is about $30 per piece ( and I'd probably lose the job if it was $31 ! ) That's a 300mm (12" rule) sitting on top.

Finished pallet load ready to go.

The other job was some special adjusting nuts which are just a simple turning job to face, chamfer, drill etc as step one and then they are turned around and faced, chamfered and tapped 1/2" UNC from the other end. (NO - none of my CNC lathes are double headed so it is a two stage operation.) Another small batch - he only wanted 100 of them and fortunately I had some stock hex-bar in the rack : result $4.00 each.
Step 1 :

Hopefully the tube will be here Monday . . .

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