There is much to contemplate but I am not inclined to wax philosophical at the moment.
Maybe when I have had a little more time to consider everything . . .
I am thinking of a little trip around the South West of WA in the next couple of weeks so there are a few small items to fix.
The squeaking bed mechanism was caused by one of the chains slipping a tooth on a sprocket causing the bed to not be horizontal and thus rub on the guides. Relatively easy to fix.
The pesky drawer catches really need something purpose made so a few hours on the milling machine fixed that and produced these.

Being made of acetal they are very strong and will not break. The pin which fits into the block is supported by the close fit so hopefully it will not break off. The slotted holes allow the catch to be positioned so it all works properly and then the two front screws will lock it all in place. So a half hour was spent fittting these new catches.

I also remembered that the last time I checked the sacrificial anode in the hot water system it was corroding faster than I had imagined it would so I obtained a replacement.

When I checked however it hasn't seemed to deteriorate significantly more than when I checked last time so maybe the country water supplies are less corrosive than the main Perth water supply???
There are plenty more little improvements I could do but I'm not going to make any major changes until my head has settled down.
In the mean time, bike rides, photography and catching up with friends and family come higher on the list.
Updates will be slow for a while . . .
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