Despite being up early and another lap around the park I can't find any better photo's and I'm not going to wait here 'til May. I'll have to come back.
I have spoken to a couple of people at El Questro who have come up the Gibb River Road and tell me it has been graded from the South as far as Mitchel Falls but I have decided to have a look at The Bungle Bungle

and save GRR to another time. Back the way I came to the main highway. I can’t think of any reason to go into Wyndham so it’s turn right at the highway and drag all the way down to Purnululu National Park. You have to go 30km across Mabel Downs Station to get to the park entrance and the another 30km to the park proper.

There are restrictions on the type of caravans you can take in, no dual axles and vehicles must be 4wd. The logic appears to be the trailing axle scrubs and breaks up the track. What complete and utter trash! Not that I mean it doesn’t happen but the road is so bad it could only improve it to break it up a bit. Turn it all into sand NOW. These corrugations make the ones in Kakadu pale into insignificance. I think, OK, I will go slow and just take an hour or two even to go the 30km I can do that. No I can’t! My speedo doesn’t register that slow but the GPS tells me I am making3-5km/hr average. My brain must have been bruised by all the shaking because it takes me a whole hour to decide there aren’t enough hours in the day to make it there so I turn around and spend another hour crawling all the way out. The video here looks quite easy! I would like to leave the truck out on the highway and take the motorbike but there is nowhere even remotely safe to leave it. The local wisdom is it takes less than 24hrs to trash and burn a vehicle by the wayside. It is very frustrating as a normal 4wd with soft suspension can go over it at about 50kph, and quite a number do as they pass me both ways, but it seems the truck suspension is just too hard and for reasons explained once before I don’t want to let the tyres down anymore. I’m really ticked off but I have broken enough already so once back on the highway I head off toward Derby. Halls Creek is a straight drive through and just short of Fitzroy Crossing there is a nice sunset

and then a pleasant overnight spot with about 10 vehicles at Mary Creek.
That’s enough for one day.
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