So much of what has happened this week didn't get a photo . . .
The dining table has had some over-centre clips added so that it will not bounce out of position while travelling, but will still allow the table to be removed and lowered between the seats for an emergency bunk if ever necessary.

The switchboard surrounds have been "varnished" . . .

and then fastened in position.

Then that horrible feeling again of cutting holes in perfectly good fibreglass and melamine but the gas regulations demand 150cm^2 within 300mm of the ceiling.

I have to find that small flat ducting I used previously and get those light wires out of the way but for the moment they can just get pushed aside while the vent goes in. The eagle-eyed among you will notice the very "unobtrusive" sticker next to the now installed vent cover. The !^%@$@# thing is about the size of a full sheet of paper!!

Apparently "big brother"thinks you will forget how to use the gas stove when you leave the house and and start to live in a caravan so you need a full page of instructions on how to turn the stove on and off so there is even a special sticker for that!

You also need one next to every fuel filler on the vehicle.

It's a bit like mobile phones at fuel stations - I can't find any record anywhere of anyone starting a fuel fire by using their mobile phone at a fuel station. In fact the only time I ever saw anyone ever using their phone there was the pump service mechanic phoning head office for instructions - and he told me to "bugger off" when I suggested he might be a bit more careful!
The only sticker I really wanted was that silver one you can just see (above the other one that I can't be bothered reading but needs to be next to the gas bottle) which is my compliance plate for a gas installation in a mobile vehicle (I wonder if it's different for a non-mobile vehicle?).

And with that one there we pressed the ON switch for the hot water system and it fired up first time !!!! (That's where the warm feeling comes from . . .) So did the gas stove !!!
Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of the anode in the hot water system. I had to drain the system, to get out some of the plastic from the water tanks that I did not flush properly, out of the water heater - I was really surprised by the amount of corrosion that had occurred just having water in the tank for the last couple of months without even having it switched on. I immediately bought a spare anode and made a note in the operations manual to change it every 6 months not 12 as recommended.
I also had a bonus when the gas tech told me that system can run with gas and electricity at the same time if I want to heat water twice as fast and explained that I would have to "pull that pin out of the switch before you can turn it on". This meant that it had never been turned on and could not have blown out the element as I had previously thought - so now I have a spare one of them too!
Now technically I could just up and go (only as a test of course :) ) except that no spare tyre would be a bit of a risk outside the city so I think that may be the next priority.
Thanks for the kind comments Les. It's nice to know occasionally that here are other people out there :))
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