The pieces I had left (inadvertently of course) in his paint shop had magically been sanded and painted :)
First up were the "pantry" doors . . . #1

and #2

of course it's called a "pantry" but it could end up being used for "socks and jocks" in the end. The one thing that I didn't really find space for was the "wardrobe". I'm not a great deal interested in dressing up; I have to a little of course when I teach ballroom dancing a couple of times a week but that''s not something I expect to be doing in my travels. I mostly wear standard workmen's khaki cotton trousers and shirts nearly everywhere - it's amazing how people assume you are a tradesman and give you trade discount - which around here is worth having as it can amount to up to 50%!! This stuff fortunately does not require much hanging space as it can be folded up - and no one expects tradesmen to be examples of sartorial splendour any way :) . . . but I digress . . .
Next up were drawer fronts . . . opposite the kitchen bench

and under the kitchen bench . . .

I still cant get over the STUPID placement of the power cord for the main (80 ltr) Engel fridge, which I bought before I realised what they had done! It's right in the front and sticking out. I've had a quick look through the grill and it looks very integrated into the unit which means I probably won't be able to relocate it around the back . . . mumble . . grumble . . mumble . .

Then of course fixing on all the door handles . . lovely satin stainless steel and not to obtrusive.

Sorry about the pictures being a bit blurry but I lost my Nikon off the back of my Honda while on a 3 day camping ride recently and haven't replaced it yet so I am using my iPhone!

Next was tidying up the bed frame with a nice Beech facia piece.
Lower the bed down and get everything out of the way so that . . .

The facia can be attached and everything returned to original
(another piece which magically got polished last week).
Also you can see the start of the table support screwed to the wall.

This is a "dovetailed" shape which allows the table, which has a matching piece hinged to its edge (so that the whole table can be tilted up from the front edge while still attached to the wall to allow access to the big storage bin in the floor under the table) to also be lifted off the wall without tools and lowered down to fill in between the seats as another emergency bed if ever required.
Then the table was dropped into place using a temporary leg to support the near end. I plan to put two stainless steel tubes down as a proper leg to give more balanced support but I haven't finished them yet and this oportunity was too good to pass up.

This still leaves a nice amount of headroom under the bed when in it's raised position.
In this photo if you look closely you can just see the facia under the sink and over the fridge has also been installed. It's on special locking dovetail clips so that it can be removed if ever necessary to get at all the plumbing underneath.

Tomorrow looks like it could be another good day and should see
. the last cupboard door in place
. trim around the seat ends
. "kicking boards" under all the cupboards
Then if I
. get the gas connected
. finish the last upholstery and trim
I can
. think about floor covering
. and then . . .
. and then . . .
. and then I might actually go somewhere !!!! :)
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