I'll mention them again only when I really feel they are finished.
Oh Yes. There was a boating day in there as well :)
Today I went to pick up some of my show specials.
The air conditioner and hot water system.
The new fridge I picked up at the show and brought it back with me.
Of course I had to open the boxes and reassure myself that
everything was exactly as I required.
The air conditioner was beautifully packed and looked the part completely.

The external grille is beautifully louvred
and the rest of the unit is equally well finished.

Can't wait to get that one installed and running.
Next on the list was the HWS.
Now I bought this from a company I really don't like doing business with all that much but they are local and matched the right price so I went ahead.
It came in two boxes.
The first one was the external inlet and flue guard.
Looked fine even if it did have a strange catch to hold it on.
I may have to look and see if it can be modified to be lockable as it only has a twist mechanism at the moment and I wouldn't want someone able to play with it so it flew open on the move.

The next box had been opened some time before and resealed.
I didn't think anything of it until I got home and opened it.
It was in upside down.

Not a good start I thought but no real problem.
There is a variety of models of this basic unit.
Mine is a combined gas and electric (240 vAC) version.
I think by this time my mindset was wrong.
It's hard to see but there is a "bung" at the top of the photograph
which is the bottom of the unit when installed the right way up
which I assumed was the end of the heating element
or just a plain bung if it is a gas only.
As there were no obvious connections I jumped to the conclusion that it was just a plain bung.
I had a quick look over the unit and the only electrical connections I saw were for the 12vDC ignition system for the gas.
Of course I immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had the wrong model!!
Rang the supplier and said I wanted the correct model.
They were very polite and said they would look into it and ring me back.
Of course I didn't hear anything by the time I had to go out tonight.
Later this evening I was talking (complaining) to the people I was with (who had some experience with these heaters) who suggested that the connections were not obvious and maybe I could have a really good look when I got home.
I did that and it's been bugging me ever since.
Of course it is the correct unit when you take the time to look properly.
Boy when I ring up and apologise tomorrow is my face going to be RED !!
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