Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rampant Inflation . . .

Started well today.
Hot water system was cactus!

Spoke to my neighbour who has contacts with a gas fitter and was able to arrange for a new one to be fitted today.

All I had to do was get an appropriate replacement.
Of course they no longer make the same model as I have.

It was recommended that I try a certain store and mention an appropriate name to get a really good price.
Unfortunately they could only tell me the price as they did not have the appropriate model I needed.
I decided to try a walk in to the next store and see if they had what I wanted.
Sure did. And $200 cheaper as well.
Watch out for those recommendations!

Never mind, that worked out OK.
All I needed was for the gas fitter to do the installing.
Surprise. Surprise. He arrived just as I returned with the unit.
Fitted it in about 1/2 an hour.
A bit rough but nothing I could really complain about.
"How much do I owe you?"
"How about a couple of bottles of Jim Beam?
"What happened to a couple of cases of beer?"

Rampant bloody inflation I say.

Today was also the clearing sale day at my neighbours.
Stuff had to be moved into his yard and set up etc.

Unfortunately 95% of everything had to be moved back again.
Nobody was buying anything.
It was in the form of an auction.
All the prospective buyers came and looked at everything yesterday and there must have been about a hundred of them throughout the day.
Today about 15 people turned up !!!

There were about 500 lots altogether (only about 20 were mine) and the sale started at 10 o'clock.
According to the auctioneer they do about 100 lots per hour (no mucking around here).
By 12 o'clock the auctioneer was walking around saying :
"Anyone going to bid for this lot?"
"No? Next."
"Anyone going to bid for this lot?"
"No? Next."
"Anyone going to bid for this lot?"
"No? Next."
"Anyone going to bid for this lot?"
"No? Next."
All done by 12:15

By the time I moved all the gear back into my place there was only time to race over to the bolt supplier and get some extra bolts I needed to finish off the tow bar and lights.

I only needed a couple but they were 16mm x 1.5 pitch so I had to get them from a specialty supplier.
Got there just in time and raced back to fit them and then realised that in all the confusion today I had forgotten that I needed to do both sides of the truck.

And I still have to disconnect the fax.
People keep using it to order stuff!!
Bloody cheek. . .

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