Before too long however it was all ready to go back together so the truck was backed up into position and of course I overlooked that pesky little exhaust pipe for the generator. (That saga never seems to end!) So that had to come off and be modified. I actually think the redirected pipe is slightly quieter as it points at the ground now so "silver linings" and all that . . .
You can see here the mounting pad way over to the left and the pipe on the right about to be crushed if it was lowered any further at that point; and of course the lovely new lights below.

With that fixed it could be lowered all the way down and bolted up. The only drawback is that the toolbox cross bars get in the way of reaching the securing bolts. A modified spanner and some extension tubes nearly fixed that ( I suppose I have to carry them with me now too) but there was still one last bolt which I could not get full torque on. It is done up tight but not as tight as I would like . . . still there are five more on each mount that will have to do.
With the body in place the toolboxes could be mounted up and finally bolted in tight.

I think they fit in quite well and don't compromise the departure angle tooooo much.
Since then there have been a few other activities in the shop which have nothing to do with the truck and a little more motorcycling as the nice weather returns.
As I have been tidying up I have been trying to decide what to put in and where to put it. The temptation is to take way too much. It's actually built now with remarkably few things left to do, like lining cupboards and selecting storage boxes to fit various spaces so I don't need to take all the things necessary to build it again as spares. Hopefully little will break and in reality I will probably be passing through at least one town every day or so for the early parts of the around Australia proving tests. It's about 8.5 tonnes dry and 9.5 tonnes wet and provisioned so it's no lightweight. I have some things to do which will keep me here for a little while yet and I don't seem to be able to find the enthusiasm for little short hops which I had anticipated a while ago.
So expect things to be a little quiet for a while as I just work out what to take and where to put it and what to do with everything left behind.
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