Not all that impressive by itself but it goes quite nicely under the table with a couple of others. You can't see it well here but there is a step at the edge of the dining area which needed a stair tread bull nose capping as well.

At the other end there is just a small area under the floor which required a slightly more elaborate hatch cover but I may as well make use of every little space.

All in all I think it has turned out quite well.
One day I will get around to lining the inside of the bins with some carpet (or something ???) but for now there are some plumbing changes which need doing and we are getting our entire July rainfall in the next couple of days so I think I will attend to the plumbing until the weather clears a little. . .
It's looking fabulous! Nice work as always.
I just saw that you're a follower on the Blog I started on the Coral Sea 35 catamaran. Thanks for that and for the comment.
I thought I had deleted that blog but it came back to life! We've (my wife Shelley and I) have decided instead to build the Waller 1100 (same designer) as it has a more "home like" feel to it, and it will be our home when the boat is built. Anyway, I am going to delete the blog as I started a regular web site (I'm much more familiar with that then the Blogger realm) at www.lampman.us/mellow_home.html and my email is lblampman@comcast.net so you're welcome to contact me that way as well.
I may set up a blog off the main Mellow web site for the actual build but I have to get started first! :)
Wow! A 65-footer! That's a bunch of boat. Growing up we had a series of larger boats (up to 85'), and now I'm quite contented with smaller boat (less work by far). I have the orginal version of Robert Beebe's Voyaging Under Power. I think I first read it 30+ years ago. I actually have a faily massive collection of boat books for sailing, powering, and building. They're not all going to fit Mellow when she's completed!
I thought long and hard about a George Buehler Diesel Duck before we settled on the Waller 1100, but I just need to have a sail!
Anyway, this is getting too long, I suspect you'll need to delete or at least not publish it, it will be longer than a normal post. :)
All the best,
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