I received my insurance renewal for the truck. It was about a 2.5% premium value. ie $1,200 for $45,000 cover. It was time to include the house side as well so I set about investigating what to do. As a member of the Caravan and Motorhome Campers Association there is a specialist insurance organisation offering premiums at about 1%. It seems the policy is OK and the underwriter is a large well known insurance organisation. Part of their requirements, besides all the usual driving and claims history, is for a written valuation of the motorhome by a licensed valuer. There are only a few people who can do that so arrangements were made and the results eagerly awaited. The value is supposed to reflect "market value". It appears that as my motorhome is of an unusual type (for Aus. at least) and because the body can be detached it has to be valued as a truck plus a "slide on".
This is where the mixed feelings come in . . . you want it to be of a high value to represent an asset you own and all the work and care you put into it etc. etc. but that means your premium will be higher and it will cost more.
Well I don't have to worry about that!
Truck - purchased for $45,000 and $10,000 worth of additions - value $42,000 !
Camper - cost of materials $80,000 and 18 months labour - value $72,000 !
Oh well. At least the insurance will be cheap!
On with the motorcycle rack.
Throw some blocks of aluminium in the milling machine.

to end up with four of these

which fit in the end of some rectangular aluminium tubing like so

and "Hey Presto"some support beams to go across the back extension shafts.

Add some security mesh grille

which will be welded underneath along with some support angles and we are on the way to a rack.
Now I think I will just go off and buy a new Ferrari and see if my mother-in-law wants to take it for a drive . . .
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