Fit the slides to the bottom

and then fix them into the opening so we now have a drawer which slides in and out

Next step was to fit the tap - temporary at this stage as it needs a spacer washer to lift it up slightly to clear the lip of the basin when folded down

as it wont really swivel like this when fixed properly.

So now it needs a drawer face, water supply and (the one which promises to be a real "doozy") the drain pipe!
In the mean time a couple of sheets of ply were cut to fit the bed base.

The frame will now need upholstering and finishing, the base will probably get carpet like the doors.
So on to bigger things: kitchen bench top . . .
A piece of 18mm thick chipboard is cut to size and a piece of 20mm x 40mm beech is glued to two edges and sanded off flat

A template of the combination stove/sink is cut to size and positioned

and the opening cut out

and a trial fit made

looks OK so far

so additional pieces are glued and pinned in place underneath to make up the 40mm thickness to match the Beech edging

The underside edge of the Beech edging is bevelled back at 45 deg. and sanded

Contact adhesive is applied to the top side

and similarly to the underside of the laminate

which is then applied to the top and trimming commenced outside

and inside

The top edge is also bevelled back at 45 deg. and all edges sanded ready for "polish".

When that is dry it's time for a trial fit in the truck

which reveals there is not enough space for the working parts of the stove to fit underneath

A quick modification with a jig-saw

and the stove top fitted in place.

And just 'cos I couldn't resist the tap is also tried in place

Now I can hook up the plumbing and call the gas man to do his bit . . .
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