Fitting out was to start on Thursday so the intervening time has been spent on small jobs which have been put off up 'til now.
The main hatch/fan in the centre of the roof has been waiting for me to make an extension for the raising and lowering mechanism.
The box in which the fan came makes mention of a "thick roof kit" but of course when enquiries are made of the supplier one is greeted with the too hard stare and a "Never heard of it mate ." response.
There is a small "D" shaped hole in the handle and a "D" shaped shaft protrudes from the winding mechanism but there is a gap between them when assembled . . . so a small extension is needed to bridge the gap . . .

Half an hour on the lathe, mill and a soldering iron produced from a scrap piece of brass a suitable device (ready to be fitted).

It can just be seen at the back while the wiring is contemplated

This device was fitted with a tricky little connector for the wiring which required no tools (hmmm . . . good theory).
The small pad on the underside of each hole is pressed in, the wire inserted and the pad released. Try doing that while holding up the fan so it doesn't pull all the wiring out in the process!!

Finally however all installed and seems to function OK.

While I was at it the kitchen flouro was temporarily installed to give a bit of light.

Finally Thurs arrived and cupboards start to go in . . .
Not much explanation required here . . . most things are made as boxes and are just screwed into place . . . easy to say - more difficult in practice to get it to fit together properly.
Drawers and cupboards opposite sink and stove.

There is a finishing panel at each end which is also screwed into place.
Far end . . .

and near end . . .

Then the "desk" box on top of that followed by the micro-wave box and some small cupboards . . .

Leaving a small shelf along the top . . .
and then the start of the kitchen bench which will have a laminate top fitted with a stove and sink (later)

Fri. I have a few other obligations so it looks like Sat. will be work day . . .
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