Easy, but not inexpensive at about $50 each . . . but it seems to have diminished the problem a bit (and every bit helps).
Some time ago I came across some very cheap mini-step ladders at about $30 each.

I bought one which has turned out to be quite useful for that little extra bit of height on occasion. But lurking in the back of my mind was the problem of access stairs because of the significant height of the "house".
The construction was pretty basic but the actual treads were pressed and would be much lighter than I could fabricate.
So I bought another couple of sets and pulled them apart for the treads. A couple of side rails were drilled and the treads mounted at a slightly wider spacing to allow for the decreased angle at which I intended to use them.

A couple of detachable support tubes were positioned off the mudguard support frame without too much trouble and the steps offered up.

Not too bad. The angle works out about right and they are quite comfortable to walk up and down. They have been left overlong at the moment until I have worked out just how long they need to be to connect them comfortably.

Next problem is the landing platform between the steps and the door entrance. This is needed as I want to run the steps alongside the truck rather than at right angles. This is so they can be used in tighter places and the truck can be used as a steadying hand hold while going up and down.
This has been bugging me for a couple of days. I can make "something" easily but it would be quite awkward to mount and then store while travelling and I don't want to to waste effort making stuff I will inevitably alter later.
Fortunately a friend dropping past to see how I was going has come up with what looks to be a great solution so that will be implemented ASAP.
In the mean time the truck is back from the upholsterer ...
How is it that in 24 hours from instruction to execution that so much information gets lost??
Never the less - after a few small issues were tidied up the overall result is quite satisfactory.

Some cushions of a style (but not colour) which I think will work were temporarily purloined and placed in position.
A few minor size adjustments and I think they will do the trick!!

I have delivered the wrought iron I am doing as a "contra" and can't wait to see the cupboards take shape.
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