The rear shower wall is started first with a template cut to size and fitted with plastic edge trimmings to make sure it will all fit when the time comes.

And tried again with the proper sheet just to be sure, to be sure, to be sure.
At $100 / sheet it's best to be sure !!

Liberal adhesive applied again and then the sheet fitted and propped in place with the bottom well secured as the only thing it can do is slide down.

24 hours for that to set and start on the side wall.
A template is not quite so important here as the sheet can be cut slightly oversize and marked while fitting then reduced in side for an "exact" fit.
As there will be silicone involved a gap of 1-2mm will be acceptable.
The trick here is making sure the edge of the sheet is adequately chamfered so that it will slip easily into the plastic corner moulding without drama !!

Another 24 hours and the other side can be fitted

and fixed

In the mean time the wall behind the toilet with access panel and basin cutout can be laminated and fixed while staying away from the side walls.

All the props are then stripped out and all the joints without plastic fittings are siliconed to help prevent moisture problems.

Next is wiring for fan and lights (all 12Vdc) and shower fittings (which are a bit overboard but I couldn't resist) . . .
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