The flooring support frames have been screwed in and all the tank packing placed in position and leads connected to the gauge sending units.
Windows have been temporarily screwed into position to make everything watertight.
The duct tape is only to hold the outer frame in position while I go inside and screw the inner frame to it (sandwiching he wall in between).
I'll leave it there for the time being as I will have to remove the inner section again when I start to put up the wall lining.
You have to do things that way when you are working by yourself.
So this is the truck ready for the first excursion out into the rain to see what the weather sealing is like before it's all lined and any leaks likely hidden in the walls until it's too late and everything rots !!

If you look very carefully you will note the mistake I made of leaving in the cross tube covers without fixing them properly.
As a consequence I now have to make two more to replace the ones which fell out on the way . . .
Not really very happy about that (it feels like the intimations of "old timers' disease").
Never the less the journey went well although the wind resistance and weight can now start to be felt.
As it was Sunday no weighbridges were open so I still don't know about the weight distribution but it still feels a little rear heavy.
There are also a few strange noises every now and again??
It sounds like the whole mounting arrangement has come loose and is rattling about but several checks along the way determined it was all still firmly attached.
Nothing moves or rattles when you push, shove and swing on everything so it's a bit of a mystery at the moment.
Never the less arrived safely and began cutting plywood for the floors etc..
18mm thick external grade ply is being used.
The manufacturers say it uses the same glues but the timber is not selected as carefully as marine grade.
They assure me it will be adequate.
First section right across the middle (so I don't keep falling off the frames and nearly breaking my neck).
I wont actually screw it down until I have all the underfloor systems in place as it will just be easier if parts of it can be pulled up from time to time.

Next parts are seat bases and fronts (stacked on top in this picture) and the rest of the floor panels.
They're not in place here as various notches need to be cut out to fit around the frames.
I can do that part at my place.

So in any few spare moments this next week there are lots of little pieces to cut out and fit. . .
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