I was able to fit them up (after a small trip to Couplers ( no I don't have shares or get commissions)) and use them to lift off all the bits.
I needed to get rid of part of a few welds to fit in the spring washers needed for the mount bolts which meant taking out the mounts (again) so I could grind them off in the appropriate places.
( I tried using the mill just so it would look neat (even where you can't see it ) but had no tool which would reach to the right spot).
Re-assembled - and now I can't avoid working on the accommodation.
Much clamping, measuring, testing, measuring, adjusting, measuring etc. to ensure that all was "square" and in the right plane and finally start welding.
Just tacking at this stage to minimise distortion and if I come across a problem I didn't anticipate I can grind out a couple of tacks and change it.
Happy so far but man it takes time!!

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