Some repetition machining with a fast cycle time per piece meant that there was little time to leave the machines to "do their thing" while I attended to the truck and only one other machine was available for this work.
At least I was able to work with one of my favourite materials - Acetal.
Nice and clean - machines beautifully at high speed and without messy coolant
I needed to make a "catch" or "striker" plate for all the bin door locks to work with as there was no "standard" item I could find to do this job.
So the result looked like this . . . (about 50mm x 25mm x 25mm)

Of course you may remember there are 9 bin doors (the two main access doors use a different system) so you need a few more of them . . . (with two spares)

As I had to order in this material I also got enough for the covers of the tubes across the chassis where the lifting legs fit.
These were somewhat larger at about (100mm x 100mm x 40mm) and there were left hand, right hand and central versions (of course you would know by now that I never seem to do things the easy way . . . only 'cos I can't figure out the easy way !!)
A r.h. version looks like this . . .

and fits like this . . .

A centre one looks like this . . .

The recessed centre is for a bolt to go through (into the leg and hold the leg and the caps in place
simultaneously when stored for transport) and not stick out too far.
And as there were a few minutes left over (in the week) one more bin door was hung . . .

Only seven more to go . . . .